The Western Reserve Greenway (and connections north, south and west) This is the longest section (45 miles) of the future Great Ohio Lake-to-River Greenway, which will also include the Garrett Wonders Bike Trail (Warren), Niles Greenway, the Mill Creek Metroparks Bikeway, and the Little Beaver Creek Greenway Trail. The Western Reserve Greenway (+GWBT) is currently a continuous asphalt trail from Griswold Street NE in Warren, to W 52nd Street in Ashtabula. The North Shore Trail now connects the WRG to the port business area of Ashtabula.
The WRG is a paved asphalt trail throughout it's length. Ammenities are sparse, but there is a Mexican restaurant and a convenience store located a few hundred feet on either side of the trail on US-322 in Orwell. More options exist a mile west on 322 at OH-45. The trail bends towards 45 at Austinburg, where hotels and fast food can be found. Clay St is the best exit point for these businesses.
Be aware that the asphalt on much of this trail was manufactured with pea gravel that contains bits of "flint." As the trail deteriorates (root heaves, etc.), rock slivers are exposed and contribute to a high incidence of flats (from my personal experience). Always check your tires frequently and remove embedded stones.
Connections to the WRG:
All safety issues related to road riding apply here. Wear bright colors, use flashing rear lights, and follow all traffic laws. Use at your own risk.
Connect from Akron and Kent to the Headwaters Trail (HWT) in Garrettsville, continuing on the Western Reserve Greenway using the map provided below and see the turn by turn directions here: Portage Parks Trails. This route uses Peck Rd to connect between the Portage Hike and Bike Trail in Ravenna, to the Headwaters Trail in Mantua. While the hills northbound are easily managed, southbound riders will encounter a triple threat of hills for the first 2.5 miles after leaving the HWT. The final two have grades up to 8%, with the middle hill being longer (half-mile). There are really no flatter options for getting out of the Eagle Creek valley unless you ride on busy 88S and 303W. Taking Hankee Rd out of Garrettsville and then continuing south on 700S to 303 is an option that will avoid 88. but 303W is a fast road without shoulders. If you decide to take this route, leave 303 at Limeridge. You can then zig-zag your way back to the Portage Hike and Bike Trail at Peck Rd.
I have not yet attempted the road connections through Warren and Niles that hook up with the Niles Greenway which then links with the Mill Creek Metroparks Bikeway. Google Maps provides some suggested routes.
Connecting the southern end of the Mill Creek Metroparks Bikeway with the northern end of the Little Beaver Creek Greenway Trail is straightforward. Traveling south, the MCMB ends at W. Western Reserve Rd. Jog east on this road for few feet and make a right onto Washingtonville Rd. Continue south for 6 miles on this quiet, rural road. The road name changes in downtown Washingtonville, but the trail begins on your left, two blocks after you cross Main Street (Route 14). Washingtonville Rd may be the future official route as access to the old railbed has been declined so far. There is a short road section through downtown Leetonia that is well-marked. The trail ends just east of Lisbon.
If you plan to head east towards Buffalo, road connections through Ashtabula to Lake Erie can involve riding on some busy major roads. See the map below for one way to skirt the east side of town while heading east towards Conneaut, OH, Erie, PA and Buffalo, NY. Turn by turn directions for the Ashtabula road segment (going north) are also provided below the map.
Going North to Buffalo and the Erie Canal Turn by Turn Directions from the Northern Terminus of the Western Reserve Greenway to Route 531 (Lake Road): At the north end of the trail, turn right onto W 52nd Street. Turn left on Chestnut which jogs right becoming W 49th St. Turn left on Main Street (where busy roads begin) and immediately turn right onto W 48th St. This jogs left becoming Collins Blvd. Turn right onto W 46th St (OH 84) and cross the bridge using the sidewalk. To avoid a major intersection ahead, at the end of the bridge cross the street (a left turn off the bridge) and continue north on Valley View Rd. This jogs right becoming E 42nd St. Turn left onto State Road. This is a busy street, especially near the intersection with Route 20. Continue under Route 11 and turn right on Middle Road. This street passes between various chemical plants operated by INEOS (who also happen to have a professional cycling team). This is actually a quiet road, not particularly smelly, and soon passes through quiet forested parts of the INEOS property. Turn left onto La Bounty Rd (not well signed). This road ends at Lake St (531). Turn right and stay on this route to reach Conneaut, OH. Shoulders here tend to be minimal. Directions further east from Conneaut are suggested on The Erie Canalway Trail page